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  • 5 Responses
  • Elfangio

    I've just release the new version of this site, I am still optimizing some stuff there, like that banner in the home page...

    Be hard on me, shot your opinion

    PS Doesn't work on IE for MAC - It sucks :D

  • trooperbill0

    looks like a mediatemple influence... but really kill the frames/iframes... i thought we'd all outgrown that by now. not a fan of the blue gradient fills, it doesnt shrink to 800x600 (bang goes 50% of all net users) icons are cool :) hate the 3d rendered head... i'd like to be faced with a human, not a machine... get a callcentre image on there. i cant read german so i really dont know what its about... looks like hosting only because of the mediatemple thing.

  • Elfangio0

    Well yes it has a mediatemple influence, something I dont think is bad as they have a nice corporate ID. :)

    Well the english version content is not ready yet, but I can make a little resume of what is about...

    Its a software house for Industrie, they sell Hardware and software solutions for all kind of companys who need to organise the operational sectors like werhouses, productions lines, internal tranportation, etc, etc...

    I also produce the GUI for their software and all fits together - the 3D head you see in the banner is use in the software for the documentation and help.

    They dont have enought budget to produce good quality photos, so I decided to go only for illustrations and 3D graphics!!

  • Dcsign0

    I agree.... i don't see any real need for all the frames on the site..... don't mind the CGI head but you might want to integrate a bit more colour on the banner of the front page and use a more headline style font as the site seems very flat at the moment..... maybe use a bit more pastel colours......I hate the 3d bevel on the FUX.. looks very tacky........ I think your blue gradient fills needs a lot of refining as makes the site feel really cheap.... maybe use a darker blue and not such an extreme blue to white contrast.. ..

  • jg_20

    it does not work on explorer 5 mac..... yeah it sux


  • Elfangio0

    Well guys thanks for your critics, they are all welcome :)

    The framing thing is just a matter of option, the software has a web interface and works like that, and the brienfing was to make as similar as possible, that part even if I wanted to change I dont think the coustumer would let me!