Advertising blurb

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  • 3 Responses
  • Monk

    Anyone know of a advertising book that has a collection of advertising blurbs.

  • rasko40

    you probably want to look up copywriting books instead... cant recommend any though sorry.

  • SLAZ0

    i thought of these for me!

    Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Slazdesign.

    Moms Like You Choose Slazdesign.

    Kids with do anything for slazdesign.

    The Best Part of Waking Up is Slazdesign in Your Cup.

    Come see the softer side of slazdesign.

    My Anti-Drug is slazdesign.

    Can you tell slazdesign from butter.

    From our slazdesign to yours.

    I scream, you scream, we all scream for slazdesign.

    Look, Ma, No slazdesign.

    Slazdesign-lickin good.

    Top breeders recommend slazdesign.

    The slazdesign of champions.

    Yo Quiero slazdesign.

    You like slazdesign. slazdesign likes you.

    Slazdesign - Australian for beer.

    There ain't no party like a slazdesign party.

    Sometimes you feel like a slazdesign, sometimes you don't.

    Snap! Crackle! slazdesign!

    Leave the slazdesign to us.

    Uh-oh, better get slazdesign.

    A day without slazdesign is like a day without sunshine.

    Just Do Slazdesign.

    Life should taste as good as slazdesign.

    Recommened by Dr.Slazdesign.

  • Soler0

    The word blurb is one of the worst words ever. and it actually doesn't refer to what you're talking about. I think you mean slogans.

    blurb (blûrb)

    A brief publicity notice, as on a book jacket.


    n : a promotional statement (as found on the dust jackets of books)