Music HELP!!

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  • karlo

    A cry for help!!

    I need to buy some software or get some freeware for this job I am doing.

    It is a How to play guitar book in which I initailly thought I could do all the notation in illustrator.

    It is now getting abit hardcore!!

    Is there any software that I can export the notation so that it would be 300dpi in order to drag into photoshop??

    Also, is it a drag and drop program as my music reading skills are limited!?!?

    Would I need a midi keyboard??





  • ROM0

    Theory in EPS form? i did a bit of music theory and ur right theres a whole lot of differant symbals and wot not.....but i thought a guitar book would have mainly Tablature but would a collection of vector notes and symbals work?

    i do remeber seeing a program ur talking about where it makes the music then exports it as an image file or something to that effect.......

    well my 2 cents is vector notes and symbals.....

    sorry if ive wasted ya time, i feel ur pain.....


  • ROM0

    Theory in EPS form? i did a bit of music theory and ur right theres a whole lot of differant symbals and wot not.....but i thought a guitar book would have mainly Tablature but would a collection of vector notes and symbals work?

    i do remeber seeing a program ur talking about where it makes the music then exports it as an image file or something to that effect.......

    well my 2 cents is vector notes and symbals.....

    sorry if ive wasted ya time, i feel ur pain.....


  • blaw0

    I use the freeware version of Finale Notepad for writing music for piano.

    Though limited, it's pretty solid. Perhaps one of their paid products would help you out.

    Research it at:

  • JazX0

    I believe Cakewalk has Musical Notation software where it exports out in some graphical representation then you must convert in your case I believe.