Flash on Plasma Screen

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  • 4 Responses
  • runDMB

    I've got to produce a flash piece that will be displayed on a plasma TV connected to a PC running the animation.

    Obviously I want the animation to run fullscreen. Do I only need to make the movie size the correct ratio for the plasma screen or is there an accepted standard pixel height and width that anyone may be able to tell me about.

    Sorry if this a crap/stupid question but I only make Flash stuff for viewing on a computer and I wondered if it was significantly different to design for a piece that won't be displayed on a monitor.

  • Mr_Jump0

    I dont think so. I think if you just go for the Plasma screen ratio for ur movie size then it shud be fine - cos flash is vector. If you have a lot of jpgs on u might wanna think about resolution. But i haven't worked on tv so i dont know for sure. Test it out for yourself, see what it looks like.

  • MR_T0

    I did something like this ages ago..but I think the resolution may eb different depending on a number of factors.

    So, I would advise doing a series of tests, as it's the only way to mak sure that you avoid things like a cropped presentation, etc

  • runDMB0

    Yeah, I'm a bit stuck for testing as the presentation is going to run on a display at a big exhibition, but the company who want the work done, won't have access to it until a day or two beforhand. I need to start on the animation now to get it done.

    The presentation is going to include jpegs which is why I was after the correct screen size so that the movie can be fixed. Scaling would obviously be a problem.

    I've looked up a couple of plasma monitors and found that they have resolutions of 1024 x 768 but their aspect ratio is 16:9 (ie. widescreen) These two are conflicting in that a resolution of 1024 x 576 is actually 16:9 ratio.

  • obsolete0

    why dont ypu export the animation in quicktime???

    that way you wont have a problem with frame rate...

    and probably most plasma screens have an option to see either in 4:3 or 16:9....

    maybe if you get the company to tell you which plasma they will be using you could contact the manufacturer directly.