flash > printing gradients

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  • 2 Responses
  • kinetic

    hey all

    has anyone ever experienced problems when printing a gradient that goes from a solid color to transparent from flash?

    we have a generator that we built that allow for people to color in shirts and then print the shirt. everything is all good except for the shirts with the type of gradient i described above.

    it prints from the solid color to black (instead of transparent) -- it should fill in whatever other color they have selected underneath but it does black everytime.

    this happens on most printers..not all..but most

    just wondering if anyone knows a workaround for this cause ive searched macromedia up and down and cant find anything.

    thanks :D

  • jkosoy0

    i don't have much experience with flash and printing so i won't pretend like i'm an expert on it.

    but from what i do know, its that flash is VERY goofy when it comes to printing things. the program is VERY fickle. i'd suggest asking on flashcoders or flashlounge...there might be a flash buddha that can help you there.

  • kinetic0

    i think i found something

    printAsBitmap("target", "bmovie");

    this seems to work with gradients that go from solid to transparent.