webcams - XP & usb2

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  • xrusos

    so i use apple iChat with my iSight camera. it works awesome. i'm trying to get my whole company on board with video conferencing but need to recommend a web cam that does the job for the right price.

    WinXP compatible
    USB 2

    any suggestions?

  • one2meny0

    You sure you can't do firewire? USB 2 is built on packets, it is not ideal for streaming solutions, especially video. That's why all DV cameras will remain firewire and not USB 2.

    With USB 2.0, thus packets, data is transferred in bursts, and so you get a high rate, then a low rate of transfer.

    With Firewire, data is streamed, and thus a constant flow of high rate data transfer. If you must go with USB 2.0, I'd see about the iSight being hooked up with a USB 2.0 adapter. Honestly, the ergonomics of the iSight and where the camera can be placed, according to your monitor make it ideal.