pricing dilemma

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  • Exalted

    A designer friend of mine passed along a site that she couldn't take. She asked me how much I'd want to make on a flash site with intro and audio player for a local rapper.

    Somehow I misunderstood her IM and thought she asked how much I'd charge for just an intro animation. So I checked back in my IM logs and saw that I was the one who fucked up. I accidently agreed to design a whole flash site for the price I would only do the intro for!

    I don't want to seem like a dick and ask for more money flat out because I fucked up. She's already told the client my price and she is the one who's going to be paying me in the long run.

    How do I ask for more $ so I won't get straight pimped on this project?

  • frankNbeans0

    Just tell her that you're an idiot, it probably won't suprise her.

  • lilbabyleg0

    this is a very easy situation to fix.

    just tell her you fucked up.

    figure out what you'd normally charge and tell her you'll discount it 10% or so for your fuck up.

    chances are she's charging regular price and making some good dough on the deal as is otherwise you'd have been handed the client to deal with on your own.