need netlingo help

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  • 1 Response
  • beingdevious

    hey, i cant seem to get this to work:

    heres the setup: on the startmovie i use clearglobals and clearcache to clear my net cache and vars im using

    heres the code in the getPHP function:

    if netDone(netID) then
    txt = netTextResult(netID).value
    put netError(netID)
    --put txt
    end if


    if i put netError(netID) i get "OK"

    if i put txt i get""

    what gives. it works on a local file and it worked 20 mins ago

    you can see the txt file the php generates at…

  • beingdevious0

    nevermind. i was using property lists and the value didnt have quotes when it was generated


    ps. im going to start thinking more before i post questions like this. its just that for this project im using everything ive ever done in the last year and teaching myslf new things at the same time