crazy freakin' week

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  • ave

    I've been off in busy land lately, but I noticed 2 posts that made me think...

    MG33 - put a diddy about that prick abusing kitties, ughhh. makes me sick.

    Brooke - made a nice comment to beware of the coming weather...

    Let me tell you abut my week:

    I work like a mad man, juggling whatever I can, and as much as I can so that I can pay the bills, play with my pets, dine with my lover and do my thing on the side... don't we all- just want to live a happy life...

    On monday, my kitty starts puking all over the place.. np, I've grown up with furry critters, I can take care of them, then I realize that the poor thing can't keep anything in her stomach... not even water. 3 months old. Then I gat a call from my Mom, my Dad just got into an an accident down in NH, icy weather, rolled his car down a 50' slope, sliced up his face, mashed his legs... just about 2" away from death, or brain damage... a tree ripped through the car and happened to miss him. Thank the unknowable...

    What can I do... busy as hell, living in another country... just give my thanks. Kitty, pay my $1200 to get her fixed up, because she's just a furry little critter... and I took her into my care. I'll be damned if she chokes on my watch, if you know what I mean. I can't afford it, but that is what being a human is all about. Looking out.

    My Dad might not be able to walk properly again, but his brain and his conviction is good...

    so, maybe it's just a rant... or a way to say thank you, but listen to brooke when she says watch the weather... and as for the kid in Florida... be a man, be a woman, be a human, take reponsibility for those who you can look over, and take care of, especially those 4 legged critters...

  • sauerbraten0

    holy shit, this week WUZ crazy, but i'm lazy to share. most of it involved getting probably 1/4 the amount of sleep i should've got, then my encounter with the infamous "poodle-posse" of belltown.. yikes.

  • steak&liquor0

    This week was rad. I kicked my dog.