server issue

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  • 2 Responses
  • rson

    im re-doing this site for a friend. Their host has a bunch of directories in it. One named public_html, everything has to go in this folder. For some reason , by the way the site is flash, the server is reading my actionscripting wrong. I know its not my scripting because i have the same file on two different servers one works and the other does not. The only difference is one file(that does not work) is in the public_html folder and the other is just floating. Does anyone know what to do? Im stuck.

  • bug0

    yo, works for me on your server...
    gotta be an issue with where you're placing it on their server.
    i would contact them to see what they say...instead of spinning yer wheels trying to figure out something that might not be your fault.

    just my 2cents,
    hit me up...

  • rson0

    yeah i just talk to them. i think their cool with changing. it work on my server?