Best Hip Hop site

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  • 43 Responses
  • unknown0

    let me speak on your proof kpl

    proof = tokyo
    now I love japanese hiphop figures and such...but those guys get things twisted sometimes...its like me with anime...I love it, but I dont fully understand tokyo is a place full of fans of hiphop...not hiphoppers

    proof = amsterdam
    havent been there so I cant talk about that...but its not the Bronx so how real can it be?

    proof = lifesavas
    no comment

    proof = the last emp
    no comment
    proof = freestyle session
    how is this proof?

    proof = dmc finals
    dunno what to say about this one...all I know is DJing started with the the thought of making the crowd cant do that at the new DMC finals...Im 50/50 on that because the art has to evolve

    proof = the barnstormers
    great art work, but they dont progress the hiphop culture

  • midori0
  • unknown0

    that DJX stuff is ok I guess...but its nothing new...not a leader like LONS, Wutang, PE, gangstarr...yea know groups that started something when they dropped...thats my beef with hiphop now....nothing used to start fashion its late with everything...its much cooler to be black in a punkrock group than grab a mic...maybe from that angle some new shit may come about...MFDoom is part of that real school of hiphop...KMD was real live shit...humrush fuka

  • unknown0

    when rocking fronts was only for killas is when hiphop was alive...cashmoney made fronts wack...maybe Nas will save that shit...if he can forget about the money and make anthor illmatic...and I know we are all happy tribe is back...but can they make anthor LOW END THEORY? BustaRhymes is a thug now? I mean come one now...the last real hard hiphop album to drop..."only built for cuban links" that album has all the shit you need to build a hiphop classic...yea yea...biggie did have a dope album after that...but links is that realness

  • islandbridge0
  • kpl0

    let me rebut on your speak on my proof.

    - tokyo is the capital of DJ culture: not ny, not sf. more turntables are sold there than anywhere else. the japanese aren't just spectators. really, mentioning anime just makes you sound foolish.

    - amsterdam: see, that's just prejudicial.

    - lifesavas, last emp: they're not like they're used to. they're different. that's the point: it's called growth.

    - dmc: I should have just said turntablism instead, because if you want to hear contrast and growth, listen to the original Rockit, and Rockit 2.002 with mixmaster mike and qbert.

    - freestyle session: see, if you didn't know about the break battles promoted by freestyle session, then you're just not qualified to speak on it.

    - barnstormers: taking it to new directions is progress.

    you have a narrow, one-sided view of hip-hop. that hip-hop died in 1988, and good riddance, because if it were still alive, it would be a walking zombie, a culture that does not grow, a fad.

  • unknown0

    umm just because the japanese buy turntables does not make them hiphop artists, just because they take turntablism to new levels does not say they are contributing to the culture, you have to look back at why hip hop started to understand the differance between being a DJ and being a B-Boy...I mentioned anime to speak about how I am a fan of anime which is huge in japanese culture...and no matter how much I learn about anime it will never mean to me what it means to them...something you need to understand just because you learn about a culture does not make you a part of that culture

    I didnt say shit about amsterdam...I said I dont know anything about it to comment

    lol and how is last emp on the bringing something new to hiphop? what are they bringing that noone has heard on record?

    I said I mixed views about DMC so I dont know why you bring that point up

    lol freestyle session
    new age breakers dont do it for me, I grew up on crazy legs, NYC breakers, bronx bombers just does not have the same flare as it used to...I am glad there are people still breaking but thats only one element of hip hop culture, and thats not enough to keep an entire culture alive, hip hop used to be all about progressive dancing, breaking, flexing, when hip hop was still alive you can find all the elements at one party with people that really felt that, crews would show up to battle (break,flex,etc) crews would show up rocking the newest wears (lolifes, fly cats) dancing was not just about the tech. moves it was about Im just Tony Alva on this (see Dogtown ZBoys) same thing is happening to the skate culture

    again I think branstormers are ill...but its not hip hop culture...I never said hip hop died in 88...but its been dead for while...hip hop has always been a gem of the black culture, and right now that ring isnt shining...I think you need to pull out some old KissFm tapes when RedAlert was heating it up to understand is like watching the New NBA without MJ,Magic,Bird, Drexler or two shine but the league sucks and veterans arent happy with the play of the rookies and hate to see what they built fade away

  • unknown0

    oh and to mention a lot of these new jacks you mention arent even using the base of hiphop in their music...funny how people always diss Puffy for being on that money shit, but sukas thats what hiphop is about listen to any old skool rap and muthafuks were talking about big dough...its not new...not saying puffy is ill, but thats the wrong reason to dis now you got me thinking when a new hiphop group that came out that really changed the game, last I can remember was the Wu...and the only killas left from there is big ghost , Rza, lol and who knows what Dirt is gonna come like

  • kpl0

    you're being racist as well now. just cos they're japanese means they're more into anime? just because you're whatever you are, you're better suited to appreciating dj culture?

    your argument's a mess, you're contradicting yourself.

    I never said you said hip-hop died in 88. I'm saying your hip-hop died in 88. You can't see past your own nostalgia.

  • supes0
  • unknown0

    and just one more thing to add a quote from one of the barnstormers BLUSTER
    "To me, keeping my background in graffiti in the foreground is important, because it is graffiti that has made me who I am today. I’m not a king of any lines, nor am I king of anything. I’m an artist who loves to experiment with typography and paint"

    that saying he is an artist that uses graf as a base, have to bomb to keep that rich culture that was alive back in the day, when a peice was created for fame, not cash...graf will never be the same again...I love hiphop and miss it dearly, you just need to face the fact that hiphop as a entire cuture is gone

  • kpl0

    nope. it's different, it's more developed, it has responded to external developments. It's alive.

    you want hip-hop to stay in a time capsule, unchanging, always the same. jazz evolved, the blues evolved, bluegrass evolved. Look at every single culture, artistic movement, etc. on the planet today, none has stayed exactly the same for decades.

    And you expect this for hip-hop?

  • unknown0

    omg racist? wtf? Im talking culture fool, this has nothing to do with race, and I didnt say because they are japanese they are more into anime...I said it will never have the meaning to me as it does to a japanese fan of manga or anime, for example there are jokes in anime that I will never get but I am not a part of the japanese culture. And just to really make you understand I hava a friend that created the Sprite/Voltron TV spots back in the day in the hardest part was getting the Japanese to understand how Voltron would even work in a hiphop type of setting, its because they did not understand how much hiphop had borrowed from their own cuture, because they were simply not here to live need to really read before you make a statement like that

  • unknown0

    lol you sound silly saying I dont want it to evolve, Im a fan of ol skool stuff like justice, stet and others as much as Im a fan of BrandNub,KMD, LONS, tribe and others that came out years after the foundation of hiphop was built, I just dont like new shit that doesnt keep the foundation of hiphop in it...example football would not be football if it progess to the point where you dont throw a pass, you cant remove a major element or elements from something and still think you have the same form

  • Geith0

    for content, not design.

  • unknown0

    oh one more major differance I forgot to mention kpl...I was here to see hiphop since damn near the beginning, I lived this shit, I didnt watch it one TV or have a friend tell me about it. I grew up in the Bronx, I was a BBoy before the term was even created...when we just did things because that was normal to us back then there would not even been a need to debate if hiphop was dead or alive because we were not even aware it was was just simply something we did

  • kpl0

    so they don't know what voltron is. so that means they don't know what hip-hop is? ok, that might be low. but even if that was a cheap shot, you're trying to tell me that hip-hop is a collection of nuances.

    and are you trying to tell me Voltron is the 5th element or something? Raekwon mentioned it on a wu-tang album and suddenly it's a deciding factor? try again buddy.

    and listen to rush limbaugh these days. he doesn't say "race" anymore, it's "culture." and it's a backhanded way of saying the same shit in a underhanded way. you can't judge every individual of a group on broad generalizations.

    You're reaching right now, you're saying that the way you approach hip-hop is the only correct way. Now that's prejudicial and xenophobic at the least.

  • unknown0

    kpl now your proving you dont know what your talking about...when raekwon talked about Voltron he was comparing the WU to the Voltron team...trying to tell you hiphop is a collection of things? it is! And who did I say doesnt know who Voltron is? what are you talking about? Im not Rush L. and I think there is a big differance between race and culture...example Im from the east coast so my culture is different from the black people that live here in chicago. The only real argument you have is by saying my way of hiphop is the only way, which fixes way,to RUNDMC way,WU way, BDP way, Biz Mark way, Just Ice way, BigDaddyKane way is the true fresh way...and you will never have matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you wish...and oh its the 3rd Bass way to....let me throw that in there cause you think culture is about race
    and also let me point you to the Webster def of cuture"1 : CULTIVATION, TILLAGE
    2 : the act of developing the intellectual and moral faculties especially by education
    3 : expert care and training
    4 a : enlightenment and excellence of taste acquired by intellectual and aesthetic training b : acquaintance with and taste in fine arts, humanities, and broad aspects of science as distinguished from vocational and technical skills
    5 a : the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon man's capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations b : the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group
    they do mention race in there for you but if you read the entire thing you will see race does not define the word culture

  • kpl0

    "kpl now your proving you dont know what your talking about.."

    at least i'm coherent.

    "trying to tell you hiphop is a collection of things? it is!"

    right. I don't disagree. but I said "nuances," not "things". Big difference there buddy!

    "Im not Rush L. and I think there is a big differance between race and culture..."

    yet you assign immutable attributes toward people based on their "culture" like racists do with race.

    "my way [...] is the true fresh way...and you will never have matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you wish..."

    you mean hip-hop orthodoxy. keep it. i don't want it.

  • unknown0

    good its funny how you stay on that culture just like to debate and cause take shots at my character because you are on this thread safe at the keyboard...such a chat suka you are...for you to make such a statement at me being a racist is nothing but a bitch move