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  • vespa

    I am senior designer in a small web design company, responsible for the majority of creative output from the studio and managing one other designer.

    My company wants me to start project managing as well, so this week they sent me on a course entitled "Managing Successful Teams". We didn't hold hands or fall backwards into each others' arms but it was still kinda corporate cheesy.

    I feel really weird about it, I mean up until now I've always taken the piss out of all management and generally been a smart arse. I guess it means I'll be justified in getting a raise but is this the beginning of a slippery descent away from the craft of design and into the corporate quagmire of time management and disciplinary procedures?

    Am I being childish to worry? How have the more senior designers on NT got to where you are?

  • joyride0

    I slept my way to the top. Too bad I'm the only employee =(

    haha Just kidding. The next logical step for a senior designer is creative director. Usually they are also the creative manager. Plan who's working on what, keep stats on projects, guide the others, handle some problems. You will still work on your own stuff if you plan it that way. Remember if you plan yourself out of designing then its your own fault. You planned it. You'll also need to work longer hours, at least thats what I see. Added responsibility, added salary and wanting to still design. To get it all done, you will need to work longer hours.

    Good luck