pass 2 values/array element

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  • kinetic

    i have a send mail program built in flash (mailer built in php). it has a listbox that you can check off recipients (emails pulled from database) and then send an email to them.

    some people may not want html email so i have a field in the database: html_email = true or false.

    the person who uses this program might be sending out 300 emails at a time and i think that querying the database with each iteration of that for ($i=0; $i<300...) to find out if that value == true || false is a bit much.

    so what i was thinking was using a 2dArray and passing 2 values to php. the email address and html_email = true or false.

    but, im not really sure how to go about passing all that information to flash.

    i know this is probably a lot so i was just hoping maybe someone could point me in the right diretion on this one.

    all i really need to do is pass an array with 2 pieces of information for each element.

    thanks all :D