Shelf Life?

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  • ave

    I used to stop by h73, found some nice links, then all of the sudden Newstoday was born...

    So I've floated around here for a bit (almost 3 years :) and now I'm thinking wtf.


    Because even if you try, you can't stick an "extended shelf life" on Newstoday. No disrespect to PV-AN, PBS, or the good Folks of NTB. All I'm sayong is that the word on the street says it loud and clear, shelf life expired.

    What could have been will soon disappear if you don't give some new product. You can rotate the stock all you want, but the goods will still go bad. :)


    Transfatty was the last to see (recieve) the beauty of this distribution, and I doubt any others will. Update or fade. The youth does know more, and they will do it faster, so use what you have and use it quick...

    Just a thought ;)