popups & disconnects

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  • 2 Responses
  • monkeyshine

    I want opinions. I am designing a website that will focus on a TV show, well more like infomercial, of various musicians (with multi-cds for sale). Through the design, I'm trying as much as possible to create an experience of the artists. The client wants to include song lists of each CD...I'd like to have that be a clickable pop-up that someone can choose if they really want it.

    Do you think a pop-up (from a link that a user chooses to click) creates a disconnect?

  • Bluejam0

    I'd say it depends on how the rest of the content is treated. If the all content for the site is presented within the main window then it would seem a bit of an'add on' for one piece of content to be displayed via a pop up window.

    Plus, the nature of the content seems fairly important and probably a much used feature... five to ten pop ups later and the user might be frustrated.

    that's my 2 pence.

  • monkeyshine0

    Thanks Bluejam. hhmm...well, there will only be one pop-up that includes CD specific information (in a frame) that includes cd song titles, publishing credits, dvd credits, and a message from the artist. The main window has an embedded QT movie and will have streaming audio...my idea is to keep that running as much as possible. Am I deluded? I dunno. :)