What do you think of the Name

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  • 2 Responses
  • boyintrnet

    Hello everyone,

    Can you please give me some feedback on the name TuneOut its for an MP3 to Mp3 player software application tansfer tool like EphPod and Xplay is for iPod TuneOut does support iPod but plans to support other mp3 players aswell.

    So can you please tell me if you like the name TuneOut and if your extra generous give me a reason why :) thanks also if you don't like the name and have a better suggestion please let me know.

    thanks in advance everyone

  • miraclemart0


    well the word OUT in a brand is kind of like negative... Althought I understand the products "outputs" data to a peripheral, but is there any other names you thought of before going with this one?

  • boyintrnet0

    at the beginning we had WinPod but mediafour has registered the trademark but we are ok with the fact that we can't use it cause we are gonna support other mp3 players aswell so the word pod isn't good. TuneOut makes sense. I mean thats why im asking for people opinions if anyone has other suggestions that are better I would love to hear them because we really want to register a domain soon and start our website for the software.