flash frame rate

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  • dgtl_rchtct0

    last post and i've got to get back to work.

    "by using the speedometer above, you can test the basic maximum framerate of flash on any machine. the frame rate of the fps speedometer is set to 30. you'll likely never see 30 though because the movie itself requires some processing power from flash. but you're probably more interested in the frame rate of your own movies, which is what the fps speedometer is really made for. follow the directions below to add a speedometer to an existing movie. once you've added the speedometer to a movie, you should determine its framerate while it is running on the slowest machine you expect your users to have. then set your frame rate to be slightly higher than that to ensure uniform playback on all machines. "

    from colin (same article might i add) read last line carefully friends. to ensure optimum playback means to do some testing. i run 120fps and have had no problems. if i do, then i will have to scale back for that project.

    all in all, choice is yours.

  • unknown0

    I've heard (but never used) that another tip is to have another small 1pixel movie with nothing happening on it. This way (on a mac anyway) more time will be given to the processor for Flash (Might be true, might not, dunno!)

  • kpl0

    120fps means a computer will play a flash file as quickly as possible...which means it's gonna chunk on heavier sequences and zoom past simple one. Anything past 75 is pointless and do nothing but make the timeline more unwieldy, most monitors don't even refresh more than 75 times a second (hz). Personally I'd like my animations to play at a constant fps, which means a lower one.

    question: why 31 instead of 30? software quirk? I've been using mostly round numbers... 12, 18, 20, 24, 30, 45, 60.

  • unknown0

    120 is a ridiculous idea... I only choose 31 coz I've heard that on a mac it rounds down anyway... something about a mac being incapable of playing at 24 frames so it rounds down to 20 or something.

    A lot of animators animate no two's i.e although their animation is running at 24 frames a second on the telly... their keyframes are over 2 frames.

  • frankbb0

    by the way the 31fps thing was in the days of the flash 5 player, it has been sorted in out in the flash 6 player.. so you can use round numbers for your flash stuff..
