Creative Frat

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    I work in the design / production studio of our ad agency. For a while I have had the notion to switch to art direction and in particular, find a slot in the agency's creative dept.

    I know all of the art directors and copywriters very well. We are all on good terms. Small but worthwhile opportunities to concept and art direct are starting to appear for me. This is great. But is this enough? I sometimes feel that if you are not in their dept. your outsider status can undermine, to a certain extent, your acceptance level as doing great creative.

    Has anyone else experienced this "not a member of the club" like feeling when trying to prove your creative worth.

    Or am I just overthinking the situation. I know my work speaks for itself. But I am not in the frat. Yet.


  • BonSeff0

    par for the course with agencies.
    do they use a special handshake

  • taragee0

    bb i hace seen people do it before sucessfully - but usually they have to really bust thier ass - your best bet would be to make the trasition at th eplace your at - but u will probably have to switch agencies to get the real respect ur looking for - it s like theyll kinda always see u as the production guy :( i know cuz it happened to me at my last job