fading pictures on slideshow

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  • drubynum

    I'm trying to make a slideshow where the pics fade in and out on button actions. For the fade in, I've got the following script attached to the picture (converted to a movie clip), which sits inside a clip called "picholder" on the main timeline. It's basically a preloader script where the _xscale of the loadbar has changed to the _alpha of the pic I want to fade in. And there's a dynamic text box called "frame" to show the progress. But neither the frame nor the _alpha scripts are working. Any ideas?

    onClipEvent ( enterFrame ) {
    if (_root.getBytesLoaded() = _root.getBytesTotal()) {
    } else {
    _root.picHolder.frame = Int(_root.getBytesLoaded()/1000) + "k of " + Int(_root.getBytesTotal()/1000) + "k";
    this._alpha = 100/(_root.getBytesTotal()/_root...

  • drubynum0

    aww, c'mon. Don't let me expire all lonely like this.