war on web

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  • ilmarine

    it is quite interesting to see the changes on web as the war begins.

    firstly, since i'm wokring well in to the morning and following cnn.com and news.bbc.co.uk as well as the bbc 24's newscast live on net, it has been interesting to see the changes that are being made on these major news sites all the time. only about five minutes after bush's statement on the beginning of war, the whole first page of cnn was revamped. the red "war on iraq" banner, the huge headline, the interactive map showcasing latest attacks, and of course the whole new special area in war on iraq.

    secondly, it has been interesting to follow what is the bbc's live feed. two days ago they were showing bbc 24 live. then yesterday they showed the speeches at british parliament (i have never heard so many great speeches one after another!). and now i have been following the vents via bbc 24's live webcast for ten hours already. to my knowledge it is the only channel that broadcasts all of its program live on web. since the british troops are the us's quirky sitekick, the coverage of bbc is not as great and quick as cnn's, but still it is quite good.

    there are many other good websites that cover smaller areas of the war (and iraq). and it seems that even without tv i can get everything live and up-to-date. although, this is still not state of the art broadcasting (no 3d maps, no amazing apps) but still a step forward. so, what are your thoughts on the coverage of the war on the web.

  • JazX0

    don't listen to the radio it will be Britney Spears speaking Arabic

  • AD0

    i'm sorry you don't get 3d maps - what a bummer!

    maybe someday there will be web cameras on the bombs as they fall - won't that be just super

  • sexypixel0

    `there was a guy in here a few weeks back who worked for cnn, and he said all the interfaces, transision effects and fillers are all pre made before the event even happens, he said they even have an 'end of the world' animation done should it ever be needed. scary

  • Fizik0

    Ya, I was thinking the exact same things about this.
    I got an icq message from my girlfriend that the war was on and bush was speaking at 10:15 est -- it was 10pm when I got the message.
    So I was like, damn, I want to watch that live, or tune into this right now.
    So since I'm in the middle of studying, shouldn't really go to the TV, off to cnn.com I go.
    I saw the changes taking place, cause I kept refreshing the site, all while cnn radio was blaring, right up 'til Bush came on etc....

    It's very interesting --- they said the Gulf War was live in everyone's living room thanks to CNN tv etc...., but this one is going to be live on the web for sure.
    It's quite c00l in a way, sorta a perfect use for the net, even if it is for a not so c00l current event.