jobs in cali

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    hey everyone, i was wondering if you guy could give me some job pointing. I'm thinking that cali is where i want to go some where around Santa Monica... but anywhere in cali near a metropolitain area. I'm looking for a place that does flash and director games and interactive shit and 3D work... and if not that just some flash web stuff is fine too... i guess i'm just looking for urls of firms based out of there that does something simialr to that stuff... looking for more games and interactive work, but i'll settle with web stuff... thanks people!!!

  • Mick0

    Try the firm list

    80% of the jobs are inner city LA or SanFran - both expensive to live and pay is not amazing.

    There's very few jobs on the job sites, you gotta get a foot in the door. I know designers in Orange County (south of LA) that have been looking for work for 6months. There's work around, it just isn't jumping out. Try to contact as many agencies as you can via phone (ppl don't always respond to email, or a secretary files all the emails in "job applications". Line up interviews, visit for a few weeks and see how it goes.

    If you're hot stuff, try Juxt or wait for it.... 2Advanced.