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  • Epictive

    I recently went to a website of an art magazine that is published by students on my campus. Upon arriving at the site I found that it was a totally rip of a site. The images were even the same. I wrote the head of the club nicely drawing his attention to it. This was all from an organization that claims they publish a “collection of original, creative works". He wrote me back saying “As we are part of an educational institution, a totally not for profit and limited exposure organization, we are within our rights to use these design elements without any legal repercussions”. This isn’t true is it? I sure hope not. Could you guys please link me to articles proving them wrong, if they are? What do you think of this?


  • duckofrubber0

    what's the site? eh?

  • Epictive0

    Come on guys, I know you have help for me.


  • sp0

    the law of fair use is broad, but the only way they could claim fair use is if they have mentioned the original authors on the site somewhere.

    fair use has to have educational value, and if they can prove they only did the site to inform and teach about the original works of art, then he's right...it's within us copyright law to do so.

    now, if they just used someone elses work and called it their own and give no credit to the original authors, it is breaking copyright law.

    the copyright law is on the internet. everyone who designs or programs should read it and get a little bit of an education.