Avid Xpress Dv 3.5

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  • surfito

    anybody editing with it? what you think?

    played around a bit with it, a friend has it, sort of confusing, but has a couple of things that makes me think its the best shit out there, like color correction tool for example.

    i couldnt compare it to FCP since ive never used it , but premiere is like a "30 dollar make your own baby movies" kind of software next to it sort of speak.

    but i dont know if aftereffects opens avid files as it does premiere files, thats what i like about premiere.

  • pr20

    what do u mean it's good with color correction? (i'm asking because i'm working on a project right now with tons of that and FCP isn't that great...).

    As to Premiere v. FCP. I'm PC all the way, but when it goes to film editing Premiere sux big time compared to FCP.

  • super0

    Colour correction in FCP is ok. The biggest thing about FCP vs AVID DV is avid can only do DV. FCP can scale, and depending on your capture card, handle footage up to HD. Now the higher end Avid systems can of course work with multiple formats. If you want to open a project you've worked on in After Effects you need to redner the movie out to whatever codec you choose and then open that in AE. There's a nifty program called automatic duck that lets you export timelines with much of the information still intact to AE and back aqain.