What Is the What

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  • kingjulien

    "What Is the What, written by Dave Eggers, is the novelized autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng, from his pre-war life in Marial Bai, to his resettlement in the United States. Separated from his family, Valentino becomes a refugee in war-ravaged southern Sudan. His travels bring him in contact with enemy soldiers, with liberation rebels, with hyenas and lions, with disease and starvation, and with deadly murahaleen (militias on horseback)—the same sort who currently terrorize Darfur.

    "All of the proceeds from What Is the What will go to aiding the Sudanese in America and Sudan. Created and overseen by Valentino, the Foundation's first aim will be the rebuilding of his hometown of Marial Bai, in southern Sudan. Every purchase of the book constitutes a donation to The VAD Foundation..."