The source of the .tv domain name, will soon become a virtual nation

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    The U.S. coastline is sinking, waves are sweeping over the plains, leaving the land encrusted with salt and virtually useless. Trees wither and die, people are forced to migrate inland. Meanwhile, as the President appeals to the international community for any form of help, other nations ignore the American tragedy and refuse help to migrants. American appeals to the international conscience fall upon deaf ears, the rest of the world struggle on into an uncertain future as a nation slowly drowns. Fortunately, that’s just a fantasy. Outside Louisiana, America remains complacent and isolated on Climate Change. Other nations, however, are much more vulnerable. Substitute the Pacific island state of Tuvalu for the U.S. in the story above and the scenarios becomes real and along with it the hypocrisy of the “international community.” It is a story that directly relates to GNN.