
Out of context: Reply #32

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  • e-pill0

    'lois lane doesn't know clark's secret until around the year before they get married, which is after they are well-established journalists at The Daily Planet.'

    jaline...i totally agree, but that is why i say chloe is going to be the lois in the future, i actually hate her character as she doesnt fit in my memories as a superman fan, like pete as well the newly created characters need to go, but i like another conspiricy theory about possibile future chloe character placements....check it!
    Chloe becomes the ORACLE for Batman, since she has al;l the access to all info for anything lex cant eve nget a hold of she is sooo fast with her info, it almost makes sense thats where she can go...and how did she win prom queen again?

    or here is another conspiracy theory about chloe....

    Chloe is really Tina she can be anyone it also too makes perfect sense.


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