Police handcuff 5-yr old girl

Out of context: Reply #50

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  • dan_dan_dan0

    I'm sure there's no doubt in the mind of any NTer here, that this is a Bad-ASS-child.

    I'm not bothered to discuss whether authorities were right or wrong.

    I deem myself unqualified to have a reasonable perspective on the matter i.e. no kids, never helped raise kids, I'm not a teacher or a law enforcement officer etc.

    However, let's put a gun into the hands of this five year old girl. Today, this isn't unrealistic at all (in the US).

    Usually that's what it takes to warrant this kind of forced action. Of course, it could also mean a life.

    I say prevention is often better than the cure (however, these days this idea is being turned on it's head).

    Times are changing and there are alternatives to beating a child to set them strait (I didn't say BETTER alternatives).

    With that said, I have thanked both my father and mother for showing me that a leather belt can do a whole lot more than hold your trousers up.

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