Forms/CGI hell...

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • 7 Responses
  • 5timuli0

    I've set it up so the script does all the work.

    Here's one of them:


    use CGI;

    # Create the CGI object
    my $query = new CGI;

    # Capture the form results

    my $name = $query->param("name");
    my $company = $query->param("company");
    my $email = $query->param("email");
    my $phone = $query->param("phone");
    my $subject = $query->param("subject");
    my $question = $query->param("question");

    # Email the form results

    open ( MAIL, "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -i -t" );
    print MAIL "From: $email\n";
    print MAIL "To:
    print MAIL "Subject: Contact Form: $subject\n\n";
    print MAIL "Name: $name\n";
    print MAIL "Company: $company\n";
    print MAIL "Email: $email\n";
    print MAIL "Phone: $phone\n\n";
    print MAIL "$question\n\n";

    close ( MAIL );

    # Redirect to success page

    print "Location:…

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