career predicament...

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  • Marley0

    Start on your own - for sure.
    I have just been through EXACTLy the same predicament... had just received delivery of all my stationery for my new company when I got the phone call offering me the job of my dreams....
    after much soul searching and heartache though I realise that ACTUALLY the job of my dreams was to go it alone. Even if it doesn';t bring me as much money to startw ith it beings me much more happiness.
    And in the last three weeks since I mad ethat decision I have got myself two more really major clients that I didn't expect.
    Life is a risk, but the hardest thing is to make a decision. Once you decide, living with your choice is easy.

    I wish you all the best and hope you follow your heart. There is no greater satisfaction that starting something off yourself and watching it grow. Good luck.

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