PVN Anthology II

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • JazX0

    contdown onWalpurg nihgt
    for may fest i am now being so-oo busy for that time of years again.rundown! good for spring time going all over this winter !! at mayfest time i am going to the old home of my grandmother to drudennacht. i think about it when i a m small child doing all the tricking but it is ok for tricking that time of year--->>teeth-zahnp aste over all the nobs on doors and shitting-roll over . also a tradition is taking out trailers to all sorts of bits then putting it(trailer back to sorts on the roof of the neighbour of you! tee hee. many good trick singing to>>> like Hex in CHorr>>"OLD BOBO COMES ALONE I SEE HIM RIDING ON THE MOTHER PIG (to him) THEN COMING TO IS DAME BOBO A FAT PIG UP ON COW, ALL HEX FOLLOW NOW!!!!!! tee hee i may have to make a stick horse for ridding!!!! alcohol as well!! a fun time of year!!! have a good weekend to all at NT good FMT also!
    (Apr 8 05, 08:13)

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