David Lee Roth

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • jevad0

    "Wearing skinny little shorts!

    You're talking about skinny little shorts, a fella asked me fairly recently from a super heavy metal, thrash, bladerunner magazine, whatever, he said, 'So Dave, would you ever entertain the notion of posing for a photo spread for a gay magazine?' I said, 'Wait, let's examine this. These are broad generalities, of which I am particularly fond of, but we got a few friends reading this here, some of them I got to see in jujitsu tomorrow morning bright and early. I don't particularize photo sessions per say, but when you speak about this kind of magazine, you're talking about a magazine that's read almost entirely by guys that contains almost entirely guys who are mostly in a state of great undress, right?' He said, 'Yes.' I said, 'Well doesn't that describe your magazine?' Ha Ha! I know how to get out of anything."


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