David Lee Roth

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • TheTick0

    One of my favorite online interviews ever:



    Great quotes:

    "Classic Van Halen made you want to drink, dance and fuck. Current Van Halen encourages us to drink milk, drive a Nissan and have a relationship."

    "Your talent and output as an artist will always be a slave to your character, your personality and your lifestyle."

    "When new artists say to me, 'Dave, how will I know that I've made it?' I tell 'em, 'When you can spell 'subpoena' without thinking about it, you made it.' "

    "My belligerent enthusiasm is as optimistic as ever. I'm an optimist. When I go fishin', I take a Nikon and a frying pan."

    "A tiny, little gnat, properly motivated, will drive a water buffalo insane."

    "I think that a lot of people can get to the proverbial seashore and look out on the great expanse and clench. It's far easier to have the dream and vision, but most of us seem to lock up when it's time to jump in or go up against your dragon. People are so inventive and creative and colorful, but when it comes time to "make it happen, Captain"-which is an expression I heard from a hooker in Vancouver-that's the trick"

    "Larceny! Somewhere between shoplifting and manslaughter two is larceny! Thins the blood, builds character, keeps the skin looking good. "

    Go read those interviews now.

    Ah. Diamond Dave. They just don't make rock stars like him anymore. He was a philosopher king / court jester of the giant rock and roll circus. Now what do we have for pop intelligence? Manufactured rap star beef? Sad.

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