Oh the Irony.....

Out of context: Reply #168

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  • discipler0

    Mimio all you are doing is demonstrating how not to read the Bible. A fractured hermeneutic, if you will. Look...

    Job 9:6 - "He shakes the earth from its place and makes its pillars tremble."

    A literal reference to literal pillars or anthropomorphic language describing God's immeasurable might? I think most people would agree, the latter. Just as God is described in the Psalms as providing shelter under his wing... I don't think he's a cosmic chicken though. Its an Anthropomorphism. God revealed himself to a rather primitive Hebrew culture and used expressions they could relate to.

    Daniel's Dreams & Visions - These are prophetic writings to be interpreted as such. He was not suggesting there is or was literally a giant tree that all could see.

    Luke's account - I have never heard the Holy Spirit compared to anything but "the wind" or "breath" (Hebrew: Nephesh). Bottom line is that the conception of Christ is a miracle of God in scipture, regardless of what manifestation the Holy Spirit took on. I wouldn't care if He had taken on the form of a ray of light. So, I'm not sure what your point was or how it invalidates the reliability of the Bible.

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