Paris' World

Out of context: Reply #51

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  • clone0

    the water cooler was a metaphor yes as NT serves at that for us right now.

    But I personally dont read US mag and the only mags i ever buy are for art projects not entertainment

    media is manipulative and i have learned this only with time

    the media we endure is a 2 part epoxy keeping us confused on a daily basis therefore tuned in

    half nonsense drivel about clebs getting paid too much to do too little or the stupid antics they do

    half war monger power filled hate for other nations ie USA's current war and similar struggles world wide

    it is the mix of confusion that keeps us tuned in

    if it were just the super elite on the tv all day we would get sick of it because most will never achieve that status

    if it were just the war and bloodshed we would turn it off too because its just too depressing and we as individuals feel there is nothing we can do

    just the right mix gives us a fals e sense of hope while keeping us down and happy enough to identify with chandler monica and the rest of the stupidity on network tv

    "and your welcome, the photo statement was meant to be a compliment"

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