< Rollerbladers are nerdz

Out of context: Reply #178

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  • fifty500

    the skatepark from my hometown was built and designed by a team of 6 rollerbladers, 5 skateboarders, and 3 bmxers. The guys that i used to skate with are all off doing different things now. One of them went to the X Games a few years back and got like 3rd place in the street course, one of them lives out in L.A. now skating with Feinberg, Latimer, Zamora, etc... and another films snowboarding movies out in B.C.

    None of them are gay and all of them could show awesome skill in the park. Even the skateboarders who stood around bitching all the time at us stopped to watch and, every once in a while, give respect.

    Of course, there were always the little 14 year olds with their helmets and pads and UltraWheels skates that would toss their flailing bodies around the park like ragdolls and make us all look just a little bit dumber for wearing blades but even we made fun of the little grommets.

    The one thing that everyone at the park (bladers, skaters, and bmxers) could agree on, we all hated those 12 year olds on scooters trying to do tricks. Oh, and we all were just there to have a good time so who cares what's on your feet?

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