Design Rule #138

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • 30 Responses
  • thompson0

    Me: "So here is a mock-up of what the color should look like, I think it works really well with the color we chose for the first print run"

    Clients: "umm. Don't like it. yeah. it's too techy looking, to bright"

    Me: "Well it should stand out from the other color, since it will appeal to a younger audience, like you said"

    Clients: "Yeah, but maybe there is something better"

    Me: "Well, we could invert the color pallet we have now for this piece, that way it's the same spot colors, but a different feel"

    Clients: "Hmm. Yeah, that could be nice. But I am not sure if that is what we are going for with the decor."

    Me: *pause*

    Clients: "Don't you have your pantone book with you?"

    Me: ".....yea"

    –literally 30 minutes later–

    Clients: "I like this color, it's fresh, techy, and I think since we are trying to reach to a younger crowd it needs to pop. Can we change the other color to this one? I know we are asking to change both colors, but this is fun"

    Me: "I'll talk with the printer, I need to go, I will email you mock-ups"

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