< Rollerbladers are nerdz

Out of context: Reply #109

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  • mg330

    BikeMaker, just read your post and all I can ask is if you are crazy or not?

    " Its moved far beyond skateboarding or bmx simply because the rollerblades are attached to your feet."

    Do you have any idea how many more tricks, and complex tricks on a rail ALONE are available to skateboarders over rollerbladers?

    How can you possibly say it's progressed beyond skateboarding when rollerbladers have so fewer options available to them??

    "Did you see me jump onto that rail and land with two feet and shake my foot and spin off?
    Did you see me land WITH JUST ONE FOOT and not spin off? I'm awesome!!!"

    A skateboard has so many options as to how to land on the rail alone, or even approach it, that a rollerblader does not have.

    Seriously man, I hope you were being sarcastic because that response makes no sense at all.
    Both sports have progressed, and just because you have some twerps spinning 540s and flips on rollerblades (impressive, I might add) doesn't mean that it at all overshadows people like Tony Hawk, Bob Burnquist, Colin McKay, etc. that are doing far more sophisticated tricks because the board IS NOT attached to their feet.

    Has any rollerblader attempted a ramp like Colin McKay did on the DC video?

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