Mother Nature and man. (POST)

Out of context: Reply #159

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  • Grey|Death0

    Yeah d5ive, I posted that cuz there really isnt any connection. Same footage and same ocean, it just has American Express stamped on it. People have probably watched it on TV right after they posted a reply to this thread and thought nothing of it cuz they were eating dinner waiting for the football game to show up.

    I have been out on very big days in San Diego especially after storms. 15 -20 foot swells at Seaside, Carlsbad. And I have wiped out on more than one occassion on those days. Being underwater for 20 seconds feels like 20 mins. Then finally making it to the surface only to be pushed down again. So if all else, the people who appreciate the video footage are the same people who can actually feel the pain the victims went thru and suffering of their friends and family.

    So for the people who disagree with d5ive, just ignore the post and come monday, hit "Previous" and watch the footage in a different light.

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