the worst xmas gifts

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  • k0na_an0k0

    The worst present I ever got was from my grandparents. I was about 10 years old. I was always musically inclined, but not to the point where I could get a new instrument and play it right off the bat. Maybe a guitar or a drum, but they didn't just get me a drum or a guitar... they got me an accordeon! The kind they play in Polka bands. The worst part is, it was a very nice, very expensive accordeon.

    I didn't want to hurt their feelings so I pretended it was the greatest gift ever. And after that, every time my grandparents came over for a visit, they asked me to play on the accordion, and I'd sit there like a circus monkey, pulling and pushing this huge red accordeon thing that kinda looked like a radiator.

    So farging rediculous. Thank God my dad was a guitar player and made me never play the acordian again. haha. I think my grandparents didn't want to see me grow up to be a rock-n-roller, so they got me this. haha.

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