
Out of context: Reply #7

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  • silver0

    this might be far fetched, but...

    People are afraid to stick out (stick out? shit, sound wierd, anyway) in a crowd. You'll go to H&M, wear jeans and a hood, a clothes designer would say the same things we do "the most ugly clothes... how can they wear that".

    Think about it. If your client goes for that well designed site, his neighbours and buisiness friends will go like "huhu, faggot, huh, uses money on fancy design huhu".

    Lotto millionaires goes for a HUGE mobile home to impress their neighbours, not an architect.

    If you ever have tried to buy design yourself you know how difficult it could be. You have your own ideas. I always have a hard time at the hair dresser when some fancy hair designer suggests a special design. When I do go for it I always comes out looking like an old lady or like I'm 16 (I'm 32!), but the (hair)designer says its so cool. the next time I might go somewhere else or do it myself.

    mind that we are designers, so our neighbours and friends are designers too.

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