Death Penalty

Out of context: Reply #123

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  • vidaartera0

    may i also say that i couldnt believe that the jury found him guilty of murder in the 1st degree. the prosecution didnt have a when, where, how and the 'why' was a little flimsy. a death sentance is even more ridiculous, the jury to reach that verdict must not have a lingering doubt about the case. the prosecution did have a few things going for them, lack of trust in defendant, questionable alibi, lack of compassion for wife, lack of emotion in the trial. that being said it shocks me that in america where we hold law and order in the unmost reguard, i find it insane that a man of any color, creed or background can be sentance to die with out a single shread of physical evidence.

    i dont think scott peterson is a great guy but i dont think he was given justice. the jury processed, deliberated and reached a verdict basec on emotion and character evaluation. what a sad day.

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