Cyberthug's Monday Rant

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • abizzyman0

    hmmm... don't know much about becoming a P.I. - other than the fact that my old boss just got busted by one.

    His soon to be ex-wife took pictures of him taking pictures of the cleaning-lady... NAKED! I'm sure the 'soon-to-be' paid dearly for those images. :)

    As far as real estate goes - there are two ways I know that people have literally raked in the cash (and I'm in a possible situation like one of them w/my father right now)...

    1.) the 'this-old-house' routine of buying the garbage as an investment home via a bank... and fixing it up and selling it.

    2.) Find an Investor w/funds specific for either new development of a 'good idea' or is in the market to redevelop.

    For number 2 to occur - you need to have a good idea. :) My Pop's is near complete w/some big deal going down in Ireland that involves funding the Irish Gov. w/a number of housing projects via a private investor. Of course, I guess you need to know people to make this work.

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