I am very lucky

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • k0na_an0k0

    Awesome Chossy. Karma is real.

    3 weeks ago a kid stopped me at the gym and asked me what he has to do to get in shape like me. Turns out he’s 16 and REAL skinny and I could tell he was very self conscious about it. After he asked he kinda stood there for a second expecting me to tell him to bug off or stop eating or something, or I don’t know, be some kind of a dick I guess. Instead I took 30 minutes out of my workout and answered all of his questions and told him that when I was his age, shit, 13 years ago I was in the same predicament. Then I asked him if he’d like to train with me for the rest of my workout. After I wrote down a plan for him for a diet and training. Then said if he is there on Saturdays and Sundays he’s more then welcome to train with me. Last Saturday he showed up this time with his dad, who pulled me aside and with a bit of a tear in his eye thanked me for helping out his son. I guess his grades have gotten a bit better and he’s already put on 5 pounds and is lifting more weight, and wants to try out for the football team this year. As we talked he asked what I did. After I told him turns out the company he works for needs a medium size site. He’s going to call me when I get back from vacation to sign the papers for the freelance work.


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