PHP q?

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • welded0

    It is pretty easy no matter how you want to do it, but the most straight forward way would be the following:

    You links look like this:
    [a href="page.php?img=1"]1[/a]
    [a href="page.php?img=2"]2[/a]
    [a href="page.php?img=3"]3[/a]
    [a href="page.php?img=4"]4[/a]
    (NT probably busted them up a bit)

    Your image tag looks like this:
    [img src=".jpg"]

    This example only works if all your images are jpgs.

    As I alluded to earlier, there are many, many different ways you could go about this. This is just fast and easy. There are most certainly more flexible and powerful methods. I recommend you read up on the readdir() and getImageSize() functions. Let me know if you need any further help.

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