50 Cent

Out of context: Reply #126

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    there's no point.

    no point in listening to anything else...unless it's just as good.

    why are you so defensive? i understand that you dig the 50 cent shit but that isn't something i would brag about. unless, i was 14 and in highschool. thats just me though. sure you're entitled to your own musical interests, but i just as entitled to mock them. sorry. thats life. what exactly do you get out of 50 cent though? what is the point in even listening to it if it isn't going to do something positive for you? and for any of your future defenses: that you like the way it sounds and thats enough for you, or that i should mind my own business, or some lame ass remark regarding Radiohead, etc., etc., etc., all i have to say is: listen to something worth listening to, make someone who deserves wealth because they've actually written something that will go down in history rich. not someone owned by MTV or any of its affiliates.

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