All Americans from NT...

Out of context: Reply #180

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  • aliendn0

    only Fox would have a show called "Becoming The Next Pres" with cameras on each canidate documenting election day.

    i saw some preview clips, the bush one shows bush taking his dart board with sadams face on it off the wall in case he doesnt win.

    also bush, sadam and satan from south park are reminising about old times and exploring the possibilites of bringing hell on earth.

    the footage with kerry shows him hitting jessica simpson over the head in case he doesnt get into the white house so he can chill in the mansion wih nick. kerry's wife has a close up her screaming at her husband; "stop wearing FLIP FLOPS in the house when you've worn them outside, you're tracking dirt in".

    but the best scene is Bush out on halloween dressed up as the Hamburglar from McDonalds stealing those missing votes in Florida.

    should be intersting to watch.

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