All Americans from NT...

Out of context: Reply #116

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  • kingjulien0

    The only thing more annoying than hicksville religious right conservatism--and believe me, these people are retarded-- is the kind of liberal elitism that oversimplifies politics and forces their twisted sense of morality on people who should be able to think on their own. These people follow politics when it's convenient, don't participate in improving this country on a day to day basis, but then get all defiant in their one act of good citizenship--which boils down to clicking a couple of bubbles on a machine every 4 years and sending links to conspiracy theories about oil companies, and then judge everybody else who dares to play devil's advocate.

    And let's be clear, Bush's war in Iraq is problematic for a number of reasons, but any comparison with Hitler is beyond retarded. Hitler exterminated 6 million jews. Enough said.

    I would love to vote Bush out of office, but when the best candidate is some guy we really don't know anything about, whose beliefs are poll-driven, whose personality is at best dull, who lacks charisma and a sense of inspiration, it seems pointless. Yes, kerry seems like a more viable option, but it still feels like a choice between the lesser of two evils.

    I can't wait until this whole mess is over. Either way, the war isn't going to end soon, I'm still going to be broke, I still won't have health insurance or dental insurance, and there will still be partisan spinning and jerkoffs holding signs that say "no war for oil" and blocking traffic as I try to get home after a 12 hour day, and Michael Moore can return to his penthouse and private jet to once again represent the blue collar people with his inhcoherant nonsense....

    Ah, yes, democracy at work...

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