NYC, August 29 2004

Out of context: Reply #72

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  • robotron3k0

    fuuuuccckkkk!... welll, it's 4am, nyc time, just got out of jail. i was walking my bike on the sidewalk and grabbed by a policeman on Park and 26th. nypd charged me with DisCon (disorderly conduct) wtf right!? so i spent the rest of the day/night in jail, being handcuffed and re-handcuffed and moved from jail to jail. there were so many stories, so many trumpt up charges on others. one guy that got beaten by the cops pretty badly, tons of stories how cops were pushing over women on bikes using them as roadblocks, random macing, random arrests of bike delivery drivers and people just walking around town. the cops also brought out their new vespas and they used them to bully and block at will...

    i now have 40 new friends from my cell, a police record and my fingerprints on record nypd.

    btw, twooh, your a putz. the police used emergency vehicles to plow through the crowds and divide up any protests. if you paid any attention to anything all week you'd realize there was no real emergencies, they just used ambulances as wedges to drive between people... things aren't always about you, twooh.


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