
Out of context: Reply #1018

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  • Dublao70

    Well, to give you a background if you missed out. Probably the hottest girl I have ever hooked up with was coming over like every other day, and somehow, I found every possible way to make myself look like an idiot.

    One night my roommate and I had a few girls over (one being amazing sara). In and amongst the other girls were two of my roommates ex-girlfriends. The atmosphere was really stressful for him, to say the least. But then, his latest chick comes over, and starts giving me shit for being with amazing sara, right in front of her. Then she freaks out about ryan’s ex’s being there, and ends up storming out of the house soap opera style. Strike #1

    To get to the point I lost contact with amazing sara (a few more embarrassing moments followed the story above). A few weeks passed and, out of nowhere, she pops into my house last night!

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