how old skool are you?

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • Chip_Duggit0

    Oh man...I remember all of those. I also started on my High School newspaper, and we used 2 mac classics and pagemaker to layout the thing, but we had to save it all to floppies and then have it output and then paste THOSE up on a page. After graduation I worked for a printer pasting up things, running the stat cam and picking up photo type set pieces for menus, ad etc. When I got to college, I used to do my own layouts with a Letraset book and a photo copier, taking the typefaces that I wanted, blowing them up giant, re-inking them so they weren't all nasty, and the cutting and pasting them together, then photocoping THAT, and then use that piece in a layout.

    Thankfully I then went to a University that had more than Apple Ii si computers, we had the ever powerful Apple PowerMac 7100/60 AV's !!!!

    Netscape 1.0. What fun! it had tables, and that was it! no frames, no background images. And using PINE and telnet for email.

    Someone stole my syquest disc in college. I was so pissed, now I laugh. What are they doing with that 64 meg beast these days?

    I just researched how much I spent for my Apple PowerMac 9600/300 and I nearly fell over when I realized that it was about $4600!!!

    One day we are going to laugh that we only had 20 gig ipods. That will be a scary day.

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